As a student at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the 1980s, Carolyn Meltzer remembers……
Category: School
Elyn Saks
When Professor Elyn Saks was a college student in the mid-1970s, she was in the minority……
Julia Ritter
The exam was anything but routine for Julia Ritter……
Nandini Rajagopalan
Nandini Rajagopalan has had an impressive career at the USC Marshall School of Business over the past 33……
Nickey Woods
In 1992, Nickey Woods, associate dean of student affairs and DEI at the USC Gould School of Law and dean of students for……
Velina Hasu Houston
Velina Hasu Houston learned at an early age that she needed to carve out a place for herself in a male-dominated world……
Emily Roxworthy
Growing up in Michigan, Dean Emily Roxworthy of the USC School of Dramatic Arts didn’t have to look any……
Jill Kickul
When Jill Kickul was a freshman at the University of St. Francis in Illinois, the school offered only one sport for……
Eudice Shapiro
In 1942, Eudice Shapiro walked through the doors of a soundstage in Hollywood for a recording session with the RKO……
Sarah Banet-Weiser
On Tuesday afternoons, Professor of Communication Sarah Banet-Weiser challenges students in COMM……